
HOW x NOSM x DABS MYLA......and Shepard

I always appreciate the work that gets done in preparation for a show because it gets everyone talking.   Knowing that many of the artists I have always liked are in town, well,  makes me wanna check out their pieces.  Here's a couple in progress pics of the massive collaboration with HOW, NOSM and DABS MYLA.  I always like seeing a collaboration of artists with different styles in a massive wall mural. 

Here's in progress pics from day 3 of their work on their collaborative mural.  This piece is on 3rd St. near the big JR piece.  This mural is part of the ongoing LA Freewalls Project thats put together by Jet Set Graffiti.  As for this lineup at the MOCA show, well it's becoming a who's who, and with the murals being put up around the city, I hope more artists start gettin' up too.  I hear there's suppose to be another piece courtesy of Aiko and others to join the streets of Downtown LA over the next couple of days.

Close up view of HOW and NOSM's side of the mural

Next up we have one of the most popular artists, Shepard Fairey.  Come on now, you all know he was gonna be in the mix out on the street.  I included Shepard cause of where and why he started making art. I'm not a huge fan but do appreciate his creativity and political pieces.

Shepard and crew at work on a new stencil in downtown LA 

The above piece is around the corner from the DABS MYLA, HOW and NOSM piece on Alameda.  Shepard's piece entitled, " Legislative Influence For Sale" is part of the ongoing and ever growing LA Freewalls project put together by Jet Set Graffiti (I'm glad they're supporting a variety of artists).  This piece aims to shed light on the fact that our current financial situation is not by any means entirely the fault of Obama but stems from the era of Reagan.  Shepard and his crew has two more murals supposedly going up around downtown over the next couple days.  One piece is planned to focus on the evil that was Reaganomics (Google it!).

One of several new 'gift wrapped' energy boxes on the streets of downtown
(eh...it's alright)

Well theres a little update as to what's going on around downtown LA.  There's probably more pieces/murals going up as I post this but we'll see what I find.  I heard that KATSU illegally hit up the side of the MOCA earlier this week with a 8 litre-applicator ink extinguisher (YouTube that one!).  Some say it's fake but you be the judge.  I have my doubts.  


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