I chose the image of Jack Nicholson from the film, "The Shining" because I have always appreciated Jack's films and for me he represents all of the films that have provided inspiration. Also, I connect with Jack on a different level because he and I are both die hard Los Angeles Lakers fans.
Right next to his portrait, is my name, "seze" painted in the graffiti art style. I chose to do this because graffiti art has always been a part of my life. I also added half of Mickey Mouse's body with a spray paint cap for his face because Mickey Mouse is an iconic cartoon and I wanted to show that for me, graffiti art is just as iconic. The words, "my riches never rust" that are being said by the Mickey Mouse character mean that with graffiti art, the riches you receive are not monetary. The riches come in the form of paint and the experience you receive from spray painting.
The spiral face represents all of the unknown, unexpected and unintended sources of inspiration I have received. I chose to paint him in grey tones because this unknown inspiration is a grey area to me. It's an area that I have no reason for why I was inspired.
Right below that portrait are the letters, "SE" (initials for my name, seze) written in the old school graffiti lettering, paying tribute to all the inspiration I received through old school graffiti.
The half cartoon-style portrait of musician Sade represents all of the music I have received inspiration from. I chose her because my family appreciates her music (especially my parents, and I wanted them to connect with something from this mural as well). And on the other corner are made-up random cartoon-style characters that are not from a specific cartoon because too many cartoons have inspired me throughout my life and I couldn't choose just a few.
The location plays a major role in this mural because it's in my parents garage. Living there for half my life, I wanted to pay tribute to the house by leaving a piece of my art and myself in a place I called home.